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Reecho Insects Awaken Latest Hand-Painted IEMs Released!!

Reecho Insects Awaken Latest Hand-Painted IEMs Released!!

Reecho has previously partnered with Peacock Audio to release a beautifully hand-painted pair of in-ear monitors for the international market. Their first product the Spring received many positive feedbacks from the community. They have now released their flagship pair from the famous hand-painted Spring series, the Reecho Insects Awaken. This latest Insects Awaken features beautiful hand-painted earpieces housing a premium four Knowles drivers. It is priced at 329$ you can check more details about it here.

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>Premium 4 Knowles BA Drivers.

>Intelligent AI Acoustic Algorithm.

>Beautiful Hand-Painted 3D Ear Shells.

>Detachable 0.78mm 2-Pin Cable.

Technical Specifications:-

>Impedance: 13Ω.

>Sensitivity: 110dB.

>Frequency Response Range: 15Hz-40kHz.

>2-Pin 0.78mm Premium Silver-Plated Cable.

Flagship Performance:-

The Reecho Insects Awaken features four premium Knowles balanced armature drivers on each side. A composite Knowles 30017 unit is paired with two Knowles 32873 drivers under 3D printed premium shells with their self-developed acoustic structure providing a rich detailed sound output with high-resolution clarity and natural tonality. The pair is tuned with such perfection that it complements different genres of music really well.

Reccho’s Self-Developed Intelligent AI Algorithm:-

Reecho has developed an AI-based acoustic algorithm system. They have made a huge database to record the signature of different driver types. They now just have to input the driver unit configuration plan into this algorithm and with the help of a 3D printer, we get a high-precision 3D printed acoustic ear shells.

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Exquisite Hand-Painted Ear Shells:-

The shells in Insects Awaken are 3D printed using German imported transparent resin material. It has an astonishing finish with a rich texture and gloss. They are molded based on a database consisting of thousands of ear samples for a comfortable wearing experience. The shells are hand-painted by skilled artists to present a vivid, lively look. They have a peacock feather type unique pattern with a mix of blue and gold embedded in the lines of black and green. It’s a blueprint of the world and nature, which indeed lives up to the name Insects Awaken.

High-Precision RLC Frequency Equalization:-

With a custom made acoustic structure, the frequency response through the driver units can be controlled independently, which results in dynamic frequency response with wide extensions. This helps in achieving deep bass response and wide extended smooth treble response.

Detachable 2-Pin Cable:-

Reecho Insects Awaken comes bundled with a universal 0.78mm 2-pin connector cable. It is an audiophile-grade 8-core silver-plated cable that enhances the sound output with disturbance-free audio signal transmission.

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Pricing & Availability:-

The Reecho Insects Awaken is priced at 329$. It is available to purchase from our store here. Shipments will begin shortly.

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