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Luxury & Precision W2 Premium Portable USB DAC/AMP Announced!!

Luxury & Precision W2 Premium Portable USB DAC/AMP Announced!!

Luxury & Precision is a premium audio equipment manufacturing brand based in China. They are the leading manufacturers of high-tier Hi-res players that features an R2R DAC setup. A few months back they released their portable USB DAC/AMP, the L&P W1. It grabbed a lot of positive reviews from the community for its powerful sound quality and superb build. Today, the brand has announced its latest upgraded flagship USB DAC/AMP, the Luxury & Precision W2.

Meet the all-new Luxury & Precision W2:-

L&P W2-1

The Luxury & Precision W2 is a flagship-grade portable USB DAC/AMP featuring two high-performance CS43198 DAC chips that deliver class-leading performance with ultra-low distortion and high SNR ratings. It features a professionally designed premium audio chipset that provides a super clean output with 0 noise floor and pitch dark background. The W2 features high-gate-count FPGA for EQ processing providing lossless EQ on top of parallel processing DSP. It is equipped with two headphone output ports, one single-ended 3.5mm, and another 4.4mm Pentaconn balanced headphone output. It is actually of its kind USB DAC/AMP that features SPDIF output. The L&P W2 has a price tag of 299.99$, check out more details here.


>Flagship Dual DAC chipset(2xCS43198).

>High-Gate-Count FPGA Chip.

>Low-power MCU chip.

>Super-Clean Output.

>Ultra-Low background noise.

>Dual high-power amplification chip.

>Balanced 4.4mm Headphone output.

>Single-ended 3.5mm headphone output.

>SPDIF output(3.5mm).

>Low-power consumption.

>Easy firmware upgrade.

>Output power up to 230mW @ 32ohms.

L&P W2-2

Dual Flagship DAC Chips:-

The L&P W2 features two CS43198 DAC chips for high-resolution audio signal decoding. The CS43198 is a flagship-grade DAC chip with improved heat dissipation in large packages. It provides excellent sound quality output with ultra-low distortion and high SNR ratings.

Authentic Lossless Experience:-

The L&P W2 is equipped with top-of-the-line professional audio chips collaborating on their specialties to bring an authentic true-to-life high-resolution audio experience for its users. It produces a super-clean output with SNR ratings of up to 131dB producing a pitch dark noise-free background.

Low-Power Consumption:-

Luxury & Precision has professionally designed the power supply for the W2. It features a separate power supply for USB and DAC chips resulting in a pure sound output free from any kind of electrical distortion. Both the USB and DAC chips take very low power from the source device preserving its battery.

L&P W2-3

Dual Headphone Out Port:-

The L&P W2 features two headphone output ports, one 4.4mm balanced and another 3.5mm single-ended. They have a maximum output power rating of up to 230mW @ 32 ohms that is more than enough to power your IEMs and earbuds easily on the go. Take your high-resolution music anytime anywhere at the ease of your smartphone and W2.

Supports SPDIF Output:-

The L&P W2 is the only USB DAC/AMP in the community with SPDIF Output support. L&P’s professional SPDIF output enables a new playback solution with improved clarity and signal transmission.

L&P W2-4

Pricing & Availability:-

The Luxury & Precision W2 is a premium product with a superb build and powerful clean acoustic performance. It has a price tag of 299.99$, check out more details on our store here.

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