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Fiio M11 Pro vs Fiio M11 player | Hifigo

Fiio M11 Pro vs Fiio M11 DAP | Hifigo

Fiio claims that the first batch of Fiio M11 pro are all sold out immediately once it came out. The second batch of M11 Pro will come in few quantity, but some lucky ones might have the chance to get it at the end of October. Why M11 pro is such a hotcake? Do I need to buy M11 pro if I already have Fiio M11? 

Fiio M11 Pro and Fiio M11 player comparison 

Storage CapacityFiio M11 Pro vs Fiio M11

FiiO has also boosted its internal storage capacity from 32GB to 64GB. 


DAC Chips - Fiio M11 Pro vs Fiio M11

To truly improve on the already excellent
sound quality of the M11, the M11 Pro
employs two carefully implemented AK4497EQ
DAC chips based on the AKM VELVET AUDIO
architecture. Compared to the AK4493EQ,
the upgrade promisesimproved signal to
noise ratio and reduced distortion.



Battery CapacityFiio M11 Pro vs Fiio M11

You can look forward to more battery capacity as well. The M11 Pro now gives you 4370mAh of battery versus the 3800mAh offered by the original M11.  The original M11 offers about 13 hours through the 3.5mm connection and about 9 hours using a balanced connection. So, expect more than that. And standby time has been improved from 50 days to 60 days. 

Better Amplifier- Fiio M11 Pro vs Fiio M11

FiiO has employed the THX-AAA amplifier chipset, which is an improvement from the original M11’s OPA926*2. 

SD card slot

M11 = 2x Micro SD Slot
M11Pro = 1x Micro SD Slot


How did the users say Fiio M11 Pro vs Fiio M11?

My review of the M11 Pro dap by Fiio. After owning the M11 and spending time with it. I was happy with the overall sound and features. It was not a huge step up in quality from my galaxy s9. But using a dedicated media device made playing music easier my library of music is north of 200 gig.

So, my impressions of the M11 pro. Well, I was a little shocked that it only has 1 sd slot. Not a deal-breaker though because 512 GB MicroSD cards are not that expensive anymore and 1 TB micro sd cards are hitting the market now. So getting to the main issue the sound.

It is better than the M11? It's noticeably better.

With that said though, the improvement is mostly in the dynamics of the sound. I am happy with the improvement Bluetooth pairing was smooth and easy but the final sound is largely dependant on what is receiving the signal. It is worth the extra money.

If you like to use wired headphones you will appreciate the more realistic sound but most people will not shell out close to 1000.00 Canadian when a high-end cell phone for the same money can do a lot more than play music.

Mind you, the sound I get with a pair of se846 and hd650s is extremely nice. Another thing is that because the amp in the DAP is more powerful it drives full-size headphones better. For me, this one is worth keeping. Its something good enough that I don’t feel I’m losing anything from my full-size sound system. 

-- Quoted From M*****d, the buyer on Hifigo 

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Bodo - December 28, 2019

M11 = 2x Micro SD Slot
M11Pro = 1x Micro SD Slot

this is a KO criteria against the M11 Pro,
why do you do not list this in the comparison chart?

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