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Audiosense DT200 IEM Quick Review:-Sweetly detailed!!

Audiosense DT200 IEM Quick Review:-Sweetly detailed!!

Audiosense is a well-known name in the Audio industry. Audiophiles from all around the globe love their multi-driver hybrid in-ear monitors. They have launched an all-new pair of dual-driver pair of in-ear monitors with a dual Knowles balanced armature driver unit on each side, Audiosense DT200. The DT200 design is similar to that of the flagship model from the brand, Audiosense T800. The pair has 3D printed resin shells with carbon fiber printed faceplate design. The pair is priced at 150$, you can check more details about it here.

Today we have got a unit of Audiosense DT200 to ourself and we are going to share our quick impressions with you all.


Audiosense DT200-2

The Audiosense DT200 has got an all-black rectangular packaging. It is similar to the packaging of other products by the brand, it has got an X-ray image of the DT200 earpiece on the front along with the Audiosense DT200 and Knowles Branding logo. The package contains a beautiful pair of DT200 in-ear monitors, an MMCX connector copper cable with 3.5mm termination plug, six pairs of ear tips, and a user guide all these secured in a pelican style carry case.

Build Quality and Fit:-

Audiosense DT200-3

The earpieces are made up of skin-friendly resin material shells. As we have told earlier they have a design similar to the flagship model from the brand, the T800(That is an 8BA single side IEM). It has a transparent inner cavity with a carbon fiber faceplate. The right earpiece faceplate has Audiosense logo engraved on it, while the left earpiece has a DT200 branding engraved on it with a tone matching silver shade. The entire earpiece is 3D printed and has a two-tube design, if we see from the inner cavity we can actually see two tubes, each from each driver unit coming to the aluminum ear nozzle. The earpieces look eye-catching and beautiful. Cable included in the package is an 8-core braided copper cable with 4 cores on each side, MMCX connector type, and a 3.5mm termination plug. The cable is also of very good quality just like the earpieces.

Audiosense DT200-4

The earpieces have a lightweight ergonomic 3D printed design that provides us a very comfortable and firm fit. They don’t fall our from ears while working out or while commuting, they just sit firmly into the ears. With a perfect fit, they cover the entire ear canal, providing us with the best of noise isolation.

Sound Quality:-

Audiosense DT200-5

Audiosense DT200 has a very well detailed sound signature with natural-sounding vocals and perfectly detailed instruments. The Audiosense DT200 has a warm and soothing sound experience, the male and female vocals sound lifelike, acoustic details are reproduced perfectly with a sense of airiness on the entire stage. The bass part has a deep and snappy response. The treble section shows good sparkle and reproduces good details with zero sibilance or harshness. The IEM suits well to vocals, acoustic, pop, and rock songs. Let’s discuss the different parts of the frequency response range.

Lower End/Bass:-

The Audiosense DT200 has a quick and deep bass response, the bass is snappy and gives good full-body slams. Listening to songs by Billie Ellish is a pleasure here with quick thumps, Songs by Daft punk shine bright here with a beautiful lower end. The sub-bass part is adequate, though it lacks the speed of a dynamic driver bass but it feels adequate. The lower end is tightly controlled and well maintained within its frequency range. It doesn’t leak or overlaps to the mids or highs section. The bass is detailed well and adds that soothing and groovy feel to our music.


The mids section is where this beautiful pair shines bright with brilliant details and airiness around the stage. There is beautiful harmony between the lower and upper mids. The acoustic details are superbly detailed with natural lifelike vocals. The vocals feel upfront, Listening to I Cry by Yao Si Ting is an outstanding experience for us. Vocals in Cannonball by Damien Rice, Acoustic details in Cover Sessions by Boyce Avenue, are precisely detailed with a soothing and relaxed signature. The mid-range is organic and shows outstanding detailing.


The higher-end show decent extensions and a well detailed instrumental response. Listening to metal songs by Disturbed and Opeth shows outstanding instrument separation. There is no harshness or sibilance in the treble region, the output is smooth and warm. Violins in songs by Tina Guo doesn’t feel peaky or sibilant a bit, instead they provide a full-body natural representation. The highs are well detailed and sound sweet.

Soundstage & Imaging:-

The Audiosense DT200 has an adequately wide soundstage, it is neither too wide, nor too narrow. But it feels adequately wide and detailed for any genre you play at it. The pair shows decent instrument separation and shows good imaging capabilities.

Final Verdict:-

Audiosense DT200-7

Finally, we must say the Audiosense DT200 is an amazing sounding IEM. It has a deep bass response with natural and sweet vocals, and smoothly detailed treble section. The pair has a beautiful design with eye-catching looks. It is highly suggested for vocals and acoustic-based songs by us, you can grab this pair for just 150$. It is available at our store here.


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