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KZ ZSX earphone 5BA+1DD Hybrid 12 Units earphones Pre-sale | Hifigo

KZ ZSX earphone 5BA+1DD Hybrid 12 Units earphones Pre-sale | Hifigo

Some of the most popular earphones of the past few years have to be the cheap and cheerful offerings from Chinese company Knowledge Zenith.  They keep churning new earphones out at an incredible pace and have just started to pre-sale their new KZ ZSX and estimated shipping time is in September 2019. 

KZ  earphones sound way better than their price suggested they ever should and they put entry-level models from many other big-name brands to shame, what do you expect for  ZSX?

Spec of KZ ZSX

Sensitivity: 111db

Interface:2PIN pluggable cable design
Plug Type: 3.5mm Gold Plated
Pin Type: 0.75mm Gold Plated
Line Length: 125±0.04m


1* Single side 1 low frequency 10mm double magnetic dynamic

2* DWEK medium and high frequency balanced armature drivers (2*2 as Image below) 

1* 30095 high frequency balanced armature drivers.  

KZ has built a solid reputation over the past few years, products numbers vary from ZS 1 to ZS 10 soon, and ZSX comes out, what will be next?  Let's just hope for the ZSY or whatever it is they put out in a few days time(*This is a joke on the frequency of KZ's new model releases) that they can bother to put in the hard yards themselves and come up with a unique design.  

Full view of KZ ZSX and buy at $49.9

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